piątek, 4 marca 2016

Anioly w pokoju - Angels in the room

Musze sie do czegos przyznac.
chociaz widze orby kazdego dnia, ale dzis  jest to wyjatkowe dla mnie. wlasnie kiedy bralam dzisiejsza kapiel, myslalam o Aniolach . Moje dziecko bawilo sie w swoim pokoju, i na raz zapadla cisza. Domyslilam sie, ze synek polozyl sie spac i otoz tak sie stalo. Kiedy weszlam do ciemnego pokoju, zobaczylam spiacego malca a wokol niego piekne turkusowe, kobaltowe malutkie orby , gdzieniegdzie piekna spadajace zloto-iskrzace sie zolte fontanny. Jakis czas temu " zwierzalam sie" Aniolom, by opiekowaly sie moim synkiem, a wczorajszy dzien i dzisiejszy poranek byl dla niego naprawde trudny.. I wowczas, gdy zobaczylam kilka roznych Aniolow w okol mojego spiacego synka  spokojnym snem, bylam wdzieczna Aniolom za opieke :)

I have a confession to make.
although I can see orbs every day, but today it is exceptional for me. even when I I took a bath today, I thought about angels. My child was playing in his room, and at once there was silence. I guessed that the boy went to bed, and prefer to let it happen. When I entered the dark room, I saw a little boy sleeping around him beautiful turquoise, cobalt tiny orbs, they were falling here and there beautiful golden-yellow sparkling fountains. Some time ago, "I confided" angels, that took care of my son, and the day yesterday and this morning was really difficult for him .. And when I saw several different angels next to my sleeping son good night's sleep, I was thankful for the care of the angels :)

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